Our High School benefits from the MSPTO in many ways. We provide student and parent enrichment programs. We give out scholarships, help with scholastic awards, and fund senior activities and senior pins as a gift for staff and graduating seniors. We also do a teacher appreciation day and give the school nurse supplies.
The MSPTO supports our Middle School community in a variety of areas. We provide valuable student and parent enrichment programs. We help with the Awards and Recognition program and the 8th grade Promotion Ceremony and dance. We also run teacher appreciation days and supplement school nurse supplies.
It takes an army of dedicated volunteers to plan and program a year long campaign of support for our schools. Whether you are a new 5th grade parent or seasoned high school parent, it is never too late to lend a hand. Contact us [email protected] and we will help you find a way to lend your time and talent.
To lend our energy, talent and time to improve the quality of education
To support our teachers to achieve success
To educate parents and enrich families
To foster a sense of school pride